Use our online financial calculators to pay off debts faster and manage your money BETTER!
Budgeting and Finance Calculators:
Auto Lease vs. Purchase
The interactive lease calculator has been designed as an aid for you to use in evaluating lease-versus-buy alternatives. Please note that this is a general guideline only. Dealers may offer pricing plans that differ from those shown below.
Auto Loan Calculator
See what your payments would be on a new or used car. Keep in mind that interest rates will be a bit higher on used cars but the price will be a lot lower, so you'll still save money.
College Savings Calculator
Find out how much you need to save for your child's college education.
Credit Card Payoff Calculator
Calculate how long will it will take your payments to pay off your credit card.
Credit Card Balance Transfer Calculator
Compare credit cards, calculate when debt will be paid off.
Debt Consolidation Calculator
Calculate how much you can save by consolidating debt.
Home Budget Calculator
Free home budget calculator and personal finance calculators.
Life Insurance Calculator
How much life insurance do you need.
Loan Comparison Calculator
Compare loans to save money.
Mortgage Calculator
Calculate monthly payments, find the best mortgage rates. It's a buyers market. Get your dream home at a record low price.
Payroll Deductions Calculator
Make sure you are claiming the right amount of deductions on your paycheck.
Refinance Savings Calculator
Calculate how much money refinancing will save.
Retirement Income Calculator
Use this calculator for planning your retirement.
Savings Goal Calculator
Find out how much you need to save and for how long to reach your goal.
Student Budget Calculator
Personal finance for the student budget.
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