Special Series: When Do Things Go On Sale?

Marvelous May Savings
by Nadia AliIn the month of May many of us are beginning to enjoy the warmth of summer. It’s a busy time in the garden which should be full of fragrant blooming flowers, trees and shrubs, despite the extended winter. For shoppers, it’s one of the year’s biggest celebrations commemorating mothers of all ages with Mother’s Day on the second Sunday. It’s also a month for the Mexican celebration of Cinco de Mayo on May 5th, and, the U.S. Federal holiday Memorial Day which is observed on the last Monday of the month to honor the men and women who died while serving in military service.
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Spring Clothing Sales
Last month, we began shopping for Spring clothing but this month the sales swing into high gear with retailers giving as much as 50% off. The reason, summer stock is probably in their possession already waiting for space on the sales floor. Also, keep an eye out for long sleeved clothing, jackets, and light sweaters.
Cinco de Mayo
There are numerous sales for this celebration from free concerts to drink specials. Mexican beer, margaritas and tequila are the hottest selling items and while you won’t save anything after the holiday you can double up on the drink specials on this day.
Note: Some places offer free taxi cab rides home for those who enjoy the festivities a little too much.
Party Supplies
While not totally unrelated to Cinco de Mayo, now is a good time to get your party supplies. Looking ahead to the month of June there is Father's Day and the Graduation season kick off, so you can pick up bit and pieces before the expected price hike.
Mothers Day
The run up to Mother’s Day will see price increases on more-or-less everything that you could possibly give to a mother - especially if it has the word "Mother" or "Mom" written on it. But starting on the Monday following Mother's Day, it’s time to go bargain hunting for everything Mom, which fortunately the stores cannot keep until next year so lucky you and me get to help ourselves to heavily discounted goodies for our Mommies.
As each new line of TV comes out, the not so old models get reduced. This year is no exception with the reduction in price of 3D HDTV’s and Big Screen TV’s. The latest technology in Smart TV’s will be a new operating system that will power live streaming, add better tools for gaming and a host of other things.
With the nation’s spring cleaning well underway, the thrift shops are buzzing with new stock. It’s a great time to go visit your nearest thrift shop for some great bargains.
There are also annual freebies that happen in May. Free Comic Book Day is on May 2nd and you can visit various locations and get your hands on free comics just by asking. On May 8th its National Public Garden Day where you can get free admission to see beautiful flower beds blooming. So get out there and celebrate Cinco de Mayo and Mother's Day wearing the great clothing deals you got from the end of Spring sales!
See what's on sale in June...
See what's on sale in June...
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Check out our Annual Sale Calendar for more items that may be on sale this month and throughout the year!
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