Special Series: When Do Things Go On Sale?

Sensational July Savings
by Nadia Ali
It’s July and the summer rays never felt better! Schools are out and it’s officially the height of the vacation season. Shops are crammed with summer gear and goodies to keep you happy. And, of course there’s the grand Independence Day sales which have savvy shoppers sweeping up some great bargains.
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Looking at Laptop Deals
Laptops are hot back-to-school items and the deals start early with must-have bundles and discounts beginning in July. While you will find some good deals you could window shop for now so you have an idea of the prices for August which is the best time for back-to-school laptop deals.
Video Games
Independence Day triggers sales on video games and consoles. If your little one is into video games now is the time to find deals and discounts. Also look online for PC game downloads.
Summer Clothing
Want to find some great deals on must-have summer clothing? Get the shorts, t-shirts, swimsuits, and flowing summer dresses that you are after as retailers shift summer clothing to the clearance racks.
Patio Furniture
Thanks to Independence Day patio furniture sales are in full swing. Want some lawn chairs for the family BBQ or a lovely patio set for the deck? Then go ahead mix and match what you want because the prices in July are as good as they get.
Grill It
Did someone say BBQ? You bet, it’s the holiday weekend and grilling outdoors is a must. But don’t run out and buy a grill just before Independence Day – if you can wait a week or two the prices could slide lower meaning there will be more money for T-bone, porterhouse and sirloin steak on your new grill.
Ice Cream Makers
National Ice-cream Day is officially in the month of July so it’s a good time to buy an ice cream maker. Just think of it, you can experiment with your own custom homemade flavor and dazzles your friends and family with your very own unique ice cream brand. There are slick makers that churn out party-perfect ice cream, frozen sweetened sorbet and healthy frozen yogurt.
Water and Amusement Parks
It’s the height of summertime and what could be better than taking the kids for a day of fun? Check out your local water and amusement parks as they make a splash with discount rates, coupons and cut-price half-day admission prices. Your little ones will love you for it!
Take advantage of a handful of freebies for the month of July:
Tuesday, July 14th, 2015, get Free Chicken at Chick-fil-A on Cow Appreciation Day. You need to dress up like a cow to get the complete meal, but even just a cow accessory (purse, hat, shirt, face decor, etc.) will get you a free entrée.
Saturday, July 11, 2015 is Free Slurpee Day at 7-Eleven.
Sunday 19th July is National Ice-cream Day. Look for the Ben & Jerry’s Scoop Truck on the road and check Baskin & Robbins, dairy Queen and Haagen Daz for promotions,
So, breeze through July as the summer heat draws you outside for some great outdoor activities. Take advantage of the Independence Day sales and the sun-loving activities for the family.
See what's on sale in August...
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Check out our Annual Sale Calendar for more items that may be on sale this month and throughout the year!
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