Money Saving Tip of the Month
Submission Guidelines:
Please submit your tip by email to with the subject line "Tip Rewards". If your submission is selected for our money saving tip of the month it will be published on the BetterBudgeting website under Frugal Living, featured in our free monthly ezine, and YOU will receive our Tip Rewards of $25.00 cash and over $200 of grocery coupons. You will also receive our great appreciation for sharing your tip with our readers, not to mention the recognition from all your friends and family for WINNING our contest!
What to Include:
1. Include your name as you would like it to be shown (first and last name, first and last initial, or first name only). You can also provide your state or country if you'd like. You will not need to provide your mailing address until you win. Winners are notified by email each month, directly from the editor.
2. Please include as much information about your tip as you are able to share.
3. Give your tip a simple or interesting title, or let us do that for you. We may also edit your tip for spelling and grammar if needed.
4. Include photos if they might help our readers visualize your tip better (photos are great but optional; they are not required for you to win).

1. Include your name as you would like it to be shown (first and last name, first and last initial, or first name only). You can also provide your state or country if you'd like. You will not need to provide your mailing address until you win. Winners are notified by email each month, directly from the editor.
2. Please include as much information about your tip as you are able to share.
3. Give your tip a simple or interesting title, or let us do that for you. We may also edit your tip for spelling and grammar if needed.
4. Include photos if they might help our readers visualize your tip better (photos are great but optional; they are not required for you to win).

Copyright © by BetterBudgeting. All rights reserved.
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