
Homemade Halloween Costumes for Kids: Butterfly

Submitted by Danelle W. of Kentucky

Halloween costumes for kids butterfly 1

"Monarch Butterfly"

My daughter is somewhat obsessed with butterflies, especially monarchs. We couldn't find any store-bought monarch wings, plus I didn't like the price tag of the wings that were out there, so we made these.

Here's a quick description of what we did:

We first bent 4 wire hangers, which we already had (no cost!), and used duct tape to keep them together.

Halloween costumes for kids butterfly 2

Then we traced the outline onto doubled black felt and cut that out. I inserted the hangers in between the felt and used spray craft bond to hold them together.

Next, I sewed around the edge of the hanger to make it sturdier.

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Then we cut out orange felt to make the pretty pattern and white felt for the dots and used the spray to hold them in place.

Halloween costumes for kids butterfly 4

Last, I attached elastic to the middle so my daughter could wear it with straps around her shoulders.

The total costume cost less than $15. :)

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