
Homemade Halloween Costumes for Pets: Golden Magic Show

Submitted by Bonnie and Beth A. of New York

Golden Magic Show 1

"Golden Magic Show"

It’s time for the Halloween Golden Magic Show! Master Magician Phoenix the Phenomenal is showing off his latest trick. He sawed his little assistant, 8 week old Gryphon, right down the middle. Abracadabra, Gryphon is in two! But don’t worry, Phoenix will soon put Gryphon back together again!

To make the magician outfit, we used an old magician costume that was a child's costume. We altered it a little to fit a dog, also adding a carnation to the lapel. We added a ribbon to the top hat and white gloves to the sleeves, to get the classic magician hand look. We stuffed the gloves, arms and shoulders with stuffing to make it look real. We then tied a magic wand to one glove and a foam saw to the other, using fishing line.

Golden Magic Show 2

Next we used silver stretchy sequin trim to make the magician assistant’s wrist bands and headband. We just cut the size to fit and glued the ends together. We added a feather to the headband. 

Golden Magic Show 3

For the magic boxes, we used two cartons that had come in the mail. We made sure to find two of a similar size. We painted them red with a gold border, using masking tape to make even lines while painting. We also glued on gold wrapping paper diamonds in the center of each side. We cut holes in one side of each box for the head and back end to stick out of. For the back end, we used a golden retriever stuffed animal we had lying around, which we arranged inside the box. We left the other box open until the last minute, so we could put the puppy inside and close the top lightly with duct tape. We were then able to take the puppy in and out, whenever he needed a break.

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