
Homemade Halloween Decorations: Scarecrow

Submitted by Mary Jo Fitzner of Arkansas

Budget scarecrow 1

"Budget Gobbledeboo Scrarecrow"

I have admired scarecrows around town before but really didn't know how to go about making my own. A friend said gather your clothing pieces and stuff with leaves! So I gathered pants (jeans), long sleeve shirt, shoes (we used tennis shoes), a bandana or neckerchief, gloves (cotton work ones are great), hat, and an old pillowcase for the scarecrow's head.

We used large safety pins to close arms and shirt after stuffing tight with dried leaves, large rubber bands work pretty well also but the safety pins are great for holding shirt in and essential for holding pieces together especially when the wind blows. The head is stuffed with leaves and then rubber bands secured around it.

Stuff everything real tight so he or she looks real fat cause the leaves do decompose a bit. Face is just permanent black marker.

We sat our scarecrow on a bench we moved close to our front step and then used staples to attach the back of his shirt to a handrail so he wouldn't get up and walk away!

I love the fact that this fall decoration can go for Halloween and Thanksgiving decor, plus, he was totally free!

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