
It's a NEW Day: The Unemployed are NOT Unemployable

Living a Better Life® (from the editor's desk)
by Michelle Jones

A disturbing report regarding the unemployed has been circulating in the news for the last several months. Rand Ghayad, a Northern University doctoral student in economics, conducted a research study by submitting 4,800 fictitious resumes, representing computer generated applicants with identical credentials, and different durations of unemployment.

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The Problem:

Ghayd’s study confirmed what we've been suspecting for several years. Job applicants who have been out of work for SIX months or more are "almost never contacted for an interview".

The unemployed are being completely overlooked by potential employers for jobs, because they are unemployed.

No job interview. No phone call. No consideration whatsoever.

Another resume tossed (or deleted).

Another family’s life put on hold.

In the past, this was standard practice in the business industry. If a job applicant’s resume exposed any considerable length of time off between jobs, it raised a red flag. Unemployment implied the person might be a risky hire, or even worse, a bad employee.

In today’s business climate of rampant company closings and cutbacks, this predisposed judgment of the unemployed is inexcusable. Workers are being displaced through no fault of their own and every company that excludes them from consideration based on their unemployment status only exasperates their plight and continues the cycle.

The Solution

Job seekers:

If you are looking for a job, do something. Take whatever work you can find, or create. It could be a non-paying volunteer job, a part-time job, or even your own small business. Keeping busy will make you feel better about yourself and remind you that YOU ARE A VALUABLE WORKER. And, it will also close that gap on your resume.


If you are hiring, simply give the unemployed a chance. Don’t exclude their resume, read it. If their work experience might be a good fit, grant them an interview.

They may just turn out to be the best employee and the best hire you’ve ever made.

You can thank me later!

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Help us spread the word that the unemployed are not unemployable! If you have a website, blog, or social media account, you can also just share a link to this page. Thank you!

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