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Wedding Reception Savings

Money Saving Tip of the Month (featured column)
submitted by Henry of Akron, Ohio

First of all, thank you very much for all that you do to help us win with our money! Your ezine is wonderful to read each month. I have a great money saving tip for the couple who are planning a wedding on a budget, and especially for those that do not want to start their marriage off in debt.

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My wife and I decided when we were married on 7/7/07 that we would be sure to be able to pay cash for everything related to our wedding.

The largest cost of our wedding was going to be the food at the reception so we decided that we would do a "picnic style" wedding reception where everyone attending the reception would bring a covered dish to share.

We supplied the meat - we hired a gentleman to roast a pig for us - the cost for the roast was $300 (a far cry from the $15-$20 per plate for our 200 guests that it would have cost otherwise), and it was awesome.

We actually had enough leftovers to last us for about 6 months after the wedding.

We also had my cousin do the photography and video (which turned out great - he happens to have been a professional photographer on the side and did great work - it was their gift to us) and we had my friends band play music (and my cousin who is a DJ and does karaoke did a great job of filling in the space where the band took breaks - it was her gift to us).

We felt that our wedding reception was blessed even more due to the fact that we had so many family and friends that utilized their talents to make our reception very memorable.

Don't be afraid to ask for help as most people are more than willing to help get your marriage off on the right foot (without

The reception was a great success and people really enjoyed themselves.

Hope this helps someone out during these really trying times.

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Copyright © 2010 by Henry. All rights reserved.

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