Special Series: When Do Things Go On Sale?

by Nadia Ali
It’s officially Fall and the month of October brings a fall in savings, sales, and discounts. Not much goes on sale this month in the shops (compared to recent months of August and September), though you will find good deals towards the end of the month as we get ready for the biggest celebration in October. That is… Halloween!
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Costume Discounts
Wait until the actual week of Halloween; it’s the best time to buy your store-bought costumes and accessories. Shops are trying to clear the shelves already and slashing prices to shockingly low prices. Look for 30-50% off. That’s a huge savings! Also, for the computer savvy, you can search for online for coupons and costume specials.
(Don't miss our homemade costumes that are featured in our annual Frugal Fall Photo contest each year, look for more details in our Sep-Nov issues of our free monthly ezine, Living a Better Life®.)
Your kids will love you for this one. Apple releases its new iPad in October so shops will be looking to clear old stock. This year, Apple plans to release the new iPad Air Pro on November 1st (future dates may vary). So go browsing the day before and again after its release for savings of around 20% or more off older models.
Fall is a great time to savor the great outdoors and there are some great deals on camping goods and accessories to be had in October. You should be able to shop around and pick up nice sleeping bags, tents, canopies, and other camping equipment all on sale this month.
It’s the end of summer and for most that means the onset of colder weather. Gardening centers will start cutting the price of their tropical plants, perennials, annuals, and herbs. You can get up to HALF PRICE off a huge amount of lush green plants, so take advantage of the ideal planting conditions for seasonal blooms and foliage for your home and garden.
Home Appliances
Whether you are looking for a microwave, dishwasher, fridge, or stove, during the month of October the new models of appliances arrive at the stores, so that means the older stock goes on sale. Remember to buy Energy Star labeled appliances as they run more efficiently and this means lower utility bills. Also, why not ask what’s available in the scratch and dent area as these can result in deep discounts!
Surprisingly, October can also be a good time to look for discounted toys and games as the shops clear the shelves for new goodies in time for Christmas. If you know what your kids are after this Christmas you can browse the shops and see if it’s on the pre-holiday clearance shelves.
So, while October is generally a quiet time in the sales department it’s also a nice time of year to enjoy the golden evening sunsets and the great outdoors before the winter sets in. Also, there are quite a few free Halloween events that you can take the kids to such as the shopping mall where they can get free candy, take part in safe trick-or-treating, and even see a few odd zombies out shopping too!
See what's on sale in November...
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Editor's Note: Also, look for frugal or free activities for the kids at Fall Harvest Festivals hosted by your local schools, churches, and community centers! :o)
Check out our Annual Sale Calendar for more items that may be on sale this month and throughout the year!
Copyright © by Nadia Ali. All rights reserved.