
Homemade Christmas Ornaments: Christmas Card Angels

Submitted by Linda Clark of GA

Angel fan ornaments 1

"Lynn's Angel Fan Ornaments"

These Angel ornaments are a great way to recycle Christmas cards, are very easy to make, and the decorating possibilities are endless!  I love Angels and also used some of these to decorate my Christmas tree, Christmas packages and also gave some as gifts!


Christmas cards (the part with the picture)
Wooden craft ball knob with hole (1 or 1.5-inch diameter)
Small bottle of flesh tone paint
Ribbon or fabric scraps
Miniature roses or other flower
Wax paper
Gold or silver cord
Puffed Angel wings
Gold bands (the kind used for wedding programs)
Hot glue gun/glue sticks
Scissors or wire cutters
Fine point black marker (to draw face if desired)


Paint the wooden craft ball(s) with flesh tone paint and allow to dry on wax paper for about 5 minutes.

Cut the Christmas card in half, keeping the part with the picture.

Fold the card in an accordion/fan style and hot glue together (put a dot of glue between the creases front and back and hold in place for a few seconds to secure).

Cut a strip of ribbon or fabric and glue along the edges.

Cut another piece of ribbon or fabric to use for the arms and glue on the sides.

Cut a small piece of ribbon or fabric and wrap around the top, leaving a little ribbon or fabric showing at the top and covering the top part of the arms.

Glue a miniature rose (or other flower in the center of the arms).

Put some glue on the top of the fan and place the wooden craft ball on top.

Cut a strip of cord, loop to make a hanger and glue on back of fan, near head.

Glue puffed Angel wings on back, covering cord/hanger.

Glue gold ban on head for halo.

Draw face if desired.

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