Delightful December Savings
by Nadia Ali
Sleigh bells ring, are you listening? In the shopping aisles, sales are glistening. A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight, walking in a sales wonderland. That’s right! Thanksgiving may be the biggest shopping day of the year but the biggest shopping season of the year goes to Christmas!
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Mid December Toys
During the second week in December there’s a little lull in prices when retailers reduce prices and offer discounts. That’s the time to go shopping for toys. Once the middle of the month has past, you are at the mercy of retailers, as prices shoot up to capture desperate shoppers. So, take a look around during the middle of the month and get yourself a savvy deal.
Paypal offers a host of discounts on prices to their members and even exclusive shopping offers.
iTunes Gift Cards
The largest online digital media vendor offers films, music, apps and TV shows. If you use paypal, check if you receive a discount on purchasing iTunes gift cards through them as last year they were offering up to 25%.
Bigger Better TVs
If you are thinking of getting a new TV be it a HDTV, Curved, LED, Ultra HD, Smart, or 4K, now is a really good time to go shopping. Do check the leading retail shops and even hop online to compare abundant sales and discounts.
Tool Time
Let’s face it, the weather is cold outside, so who is really going to take on a DIY project around the house? So, the DIY shops are trying to lure you in by offering discounts on tools for the handyman/woman in your life poised as Christmas presents. The deals are good because as the weather warms up so will the prices, so take a look!
Kitchen Stock
December translates into endless family and friends get-togethers not just for Christmas Day but throughout the season followed by New Years. Retailers are fully aware how much your cookware, dinnerware and kitchen means to you so they extend their sales to cover even more stock than see last month.
Laptops Galore
According to statistics, laptop prices tend to be even cheaper in December than November. So, if you missed out on ‘Black Friday” bargains look out for the Christmas deals on premier and top-of-the line brands.
Free Shipping Day
On December 18th, the website freeshippingday.com opens its doors at 12:01am to offer a one day online event with hundreds of retailers who will not only offer free shipping to anything purchased within that 24 hour time frame but strive to deliver it by Christmas Eve.
Special Days in December
December 1 - National Pie Day
December 4 - National Cookie Day
December 8 - National Brownie Day
December 15 - National Cupcake Day
December 26 - National Candy Cane Day
December 31 - National Champagne Day
See what's on sale in January...
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Check out our Annual Sale Calendar for more items that may be on sale this month and throughout the year!