
Frugal Fall Decorations: Faux Grapevine Wreath

Submitted by Sara Campbell of Ankara, Turkey

Faux grapevine wreath 1

"Warmly Welcomed"

We live on the foreign field. After several weeks of searching for a grapevine wreath in stores, I gave up. My husband overheard my frustration, and without my knowledge, went out and found a frugal solution! He made me the most beautiful branch wreath. I will cherish it more than store bought.

Here's what he did:

1. Cut thin, easy-to-manipulate, branches from a bushy-tree.

2. Strip them of any leaves with knife, shears, or wire cutters.

3. Work the branches into a circle, tying them with some thin wire to secure as you go. Make sure to use branches that are long enough to stretch at least half way around. Start the branches at different points to give it the woodsy look.

4. When the branches are tied together in 5-6 places, create a small hook on one of the tie spots with the wire.

5. I then bought some faux fall flowers and snipped some live evergreen to add to the wreath before hanging it on my door. For Christmas, I'll change it to evergreens and berries. For Spring, I'll get some seasonal spring and summer faux flowers.

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