
Homemade Christmas Ornaments: Coiled Paper

Submitted by Jennifer Hirschi of Idaho

Coiled paper ornaments 1

"Coiled Fun"

This ornament will always remind me of the time I spent with each of my kids teaching them to make it. It was the best "one on one time" I had with them during all of Christmas vacation. Each of theirs came out different, the one pictured is the one I made.

This ornament is strips of patterned paper (check out all the options in the scrapbook aisle) rolled up and placed inside. You can mix and match coordinating colors for an interesting look and even add glitter to the inside. Papers with small designs and solids work best and they don't even have to be Christmas paper.

You need clear ornaments, any size, I used the small ones. These are pretty inexpensive, especially after the holidays.

Cut about 15 to 20 strips of your patterned paper 1/4 an inch wide.

Using a paper Piercer or quilling tool (both found at any craft store), tightly roll the paper.

Holding roll carefully, don't let it unwind, drop the paper roll inside the ornament, the coils will loosen after shaking the ornament around a bit.

Rub-ons and tiny jewels are a great way to embellish the outside of the ornament, but certainly not necessary. They are beautiful just with the paper coiled in them. Do not use any rub-ons that are very big. The curve of the ball makes it somewhat difficult to get a good image especially if the rub-on is large or has straight lines. (You can cut the rub-on in sections and piece together if need be.)

Glue the lid on and tie a pretty ribbon through loop to hang it up. If you have glitter inside, seal all openings with clear-drying multi-purpose glue.

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