
Homemade Halloween Costumes: Milkmaid and Daisy Cow

Submitted by Darcy R. of Florida

Milkmaid and daisy cow costume 1

"Milkmaid and Daisy Cow Costumes"

I made these costumes for our little girls. I wanted to create something sweet and cute, knowing how quickly kids grow. I wanted to capture their innocent nature while it lasted.

The costumes were both made by me from patterns I created, however they would be easy to replicate using generic store bought patterns.

The milkmaid has a peasant blouse under a corset. There is a blue skirt with a petticoat underneath and a simple apron. The headband is made from silk daisies formed into a ring.

Daisy the Cow has a romper on that I glued black felt spots onto. There is a stretch headband with felt horns and ears glued on. I glued daisies on the costume for decoration.

Milkmaid and daisy cow costume 2

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