
Homemade Christmas Ornaments: Pasta Angels

Submitted by Kristen

Pasta angel ornament

"Angel Ornament"

Editor's Note: Although the photo above is quite blurry we accepted this submission because the directions for this ornament are very well written. The angel is made with dry pasta and a wooden bead for the head and she is holding a candle made out of a tack.

Items you will need:

1/2-inch wooden bead
2 bowtie pasta noodles
2 macaroni noodles
1 tack
1 gold ring
angel hair or doll's hair
white paint
accent paint
hot glue gun


1. Break one of the bowtie pastas in half through the middle.  Discard half (or save for next angel).

2. Paint the bead, the tack, and the four pieces of pasta white.  While the paint is wet, sprinkle clear, gold, or silver glitter LIGHTLY over the pieces.

3. After the paint has dried, glue the short bowtie and the whole bow-tie together so the whole bow-tie resembles wings and the short bow-tie is the dress.

4. Then glue the two macaroni pasta on the front of the three bowtie in the shape of arms (will look like a circle on top of the bowties).

5. Paint the point of the tack red or orange to represent a flame.  Then glue the tack point up between the macaroni pasta.

6. Glue the bead onto the top of the macaroni arms.

7. Paint eyes and/or a face onto the bead.

8. Glue the hair to the top of the bead

9. Put the ring on top of the hair with a small amount of glue to represent a halo.

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